Future Library Documentation


The Future Library is designed to handle asynchronous tasks in C. It provides a framework for creating, managing, and executing tasks asynchronously. this library is example of raylist library because future library depends on raylist


// include libs
#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdarg.h >

#define LIST_C
#include "../../raylist.h"

#define FUTURE_C
#include "future.h"

// define your data 
typedef struct{
	int a;

// and implement poll method 
// method should return HandlFuture structure
// HandlFuture{
//	bool isfinished;
//	bool iserror;
//	void* return_data;
// and should accept void* in parameter return Future from other task will pushed to parameter 
// because this is channel
Handle my_poll(void* task){
	// do some work
	// if not finish
		return (HandlFuture) {
			.isfinished = false,
			.iserror = false,
			.return_data = data // your data
	return (HandlFuture) {
		.isfinished = true, // task done
		.iserror = false,
		.return_data = NULL


int main(void)
	// allocate your data 

	// init your Future with FutureNewTask
	Future* tasks[2] = {
		FutureNewTask(my_poll , my_data1);
		FutureNewTask(my_poll , my_data2);
	// add your tasks to event loop

	// run your tasks
	// NOTE: callback function return void* and accept void* , int
	// you can apply changes to data and any task you want ... for logging or changing something



task 1
task 2
task 3
task 4

#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdarg.h >

#define LIST_C
#include "../../raylist.h"

#define FUTURE_C
#include "future.h"

typedef struct {
    int count;
    int max_count;
} CounterData;

// implementation of abstract method poll
// NOTE : poll function should return HandlFuture structure
HandlFuture task_poll(void* task) {
	// getting the data from task
	CounterData* data = (CounterData*)((Future*)task)->data;

	// check if count is less than count_max
	if (data->count < data->max_count) {
		// do work (count++)
		// return NULL (function is not finished yet)
		return (HandlFuture){
			.isfinished = false,
			.iserror = false,
			.return_data = (void*)&data->count
	// free allocated data memory
	// return task (task is not NULL so function is done)
	return (HandlFuture){
		.isfinished = true,
		.iserror = false,
		.return_data = NULL

int main(void)
	// allocate the data
	CounterData* data1 = malloc(sizeof(CounterData));
	data1->count = 0;
	data1->max_count = 100;

	CounterData* data2 = malloc(sizeof(CounterData));
	data2->count = 200;
	data2->max_count = 400;

	CounterData* data3 = malloc(sizeof(CounterData));
	data3->count = 1000;
	data3->max_count = 1200;

	CounterData* data4 = malloc(sizeof(CounterData));
	data4->count = 10000;
	data4->max_count = 12000;

	// allocate 5 tasks
	Future* task[5];
	task[0] = FutureNewTask(task_poll,data1);
	task[1] = FutureNewTask(task_poll,data2);
	task[2] = FutureNewTask(task_poll,data3);
	task[3] = FutureNewTask(task_poll,data4);


	// logging callback 
	FutureLoop(lambda(void* , (void* data , int task) , {
		// if the function executed in task 3
		if(task == 2){
			if(*(int*)data >= 1000)
				*(int*)data += 5;
		printf("Debug :: %d\n" , *(int*)data);
		return data;